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Press release 22 May 2016

Remarks by Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov at the 16th Doha Forum Remarks by Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov at the 16th Doha Forum Plenary Session on the theme “International and regional status quo and the means to meet the challenges”

22 May 2016, Doha

Our moderator Martin Indyk argued last year that, “The Post-Cold War liberal international order is in trouble”. I will be less bold, asserting that the Post-Cold war World is under reconfiguration.

Dramatic changes made the World today to meet both traditional (continued military aggressions and illegal occupations) and unconventional challenges, like cyber, terrorism, mass migration, trafficking ect., which erase the borders between regional and international security. Martin Luther King said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”.

What are the ways and means to meet these challenges?

Recommit to, follow and enforce international law. The UN Charter must be as valid today as it was for the post World War II era. It is a must.

- It must be the rule of law not the rule of force to erase the sense of injustice in people. In our case, we face it for the quarter of a century with one fifth of the lands under illegal foreign military occupation and one ninth of the population as refugees or IDPs. There are four UNSC Resolutions to at least partially end the injustice, which are ignored, while other resolutions are sometimes implemented before they even come into force.
- Therefore, quarter of a century of injustice in my region continues to threaten international justice.
- Strengthening of the UN system, particularly Security Council and implementation of its adopted resolutions. 
- Respect to the international recognized borders is a must for neighboring countries and international powers. - Extremism and terrorism are flourishing when major human rights violated.

Create economic opportunities through sustainable development.
- Migration crisis today caused not only by wars but also economic hardships. - There is a need for international aid and assistance to encourage reforms in those regions and countries, where populations are vulnerable due to the lack of opportunities and basic goods and services.

Promote multiculturalism. Our goal must be to win peoples’ minds and hearts through building bridges and tearing up the walls.

- Intercultural dialogue is a necessary element to that end. My country is a good example not only because of its historically intercultural and tolerant nature. - We should also support Alliance of Civilizations, forums like this in Doha and World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul, which will start in two days. Even more importantly, we should not just have exchange of ideas but rather implementation of the decisions we make.

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