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Press release 27 April 2017

Press-release on joint workshop of Islamic Development Bank and MFA Azerbaijan

A workshop on the topic of “Accession of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the World Trade Organization” is being jointly organized by the Islamic Development Bank and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan on April 27 – 28, 2017 in Baku, Azerbaijan.

The workshop consists of two days. The first day is intended to enhance the knowledge and skills of the diplomats and government officials on trade topics, such as the history and functioning of the WTO and its core agreements, Azerbaijan’s WTO accession process and the need for the governments to seek accession.

The second day is intended for the WTO accession negotiating team and is organized on more specific topics such as agricultural negotiations, trade facilitation, sanitary-phytosanitary measures and technical barriers to trade, services regulations, energy in the WTO and other relevant topics.

It is envisaged that approximately fifty government officials and diplomats will benefit from the workshop.

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